תוכנית הסמינר וסדר היום
הכינוס השנתי הראשון למשאבות ויעילות אנרגטית
יערך בתאריך 22-23 לנובמבר 2010 - במלון השרון, הרצליה
הכנס יערך בעברית
Monday, November 22, 2010
8:15: Opening Address: U. Landau, Minister of Infrastructure (Israel), and Binyamin (Fouad) Ben Eliezer, Minister of Industry (Israel)
8:30 – 11:30 Session #1 “Centrifugal Pumps”
· End-Suction: Dr. Lev Nelik, P.E., Pumping Machinery, LLC, (USA/Israel) – Focus on Efficiency and Energy Savings
o Theory and hands-on, re-assembly of single-stage end suction ANSI centrifugal pumps. Learn to read and interpret pump performance curves, head-capacity, efficiency, power, impeller trim effect on performance, affinity laws NPSH, cavitation/recirculation issues. Design features evaluation, applications, troubleshooting methods, performance testing of two sample pumps operating in parallel mode and plotting performance curves
· Double-Suction: Haim Shlomo, Siniaver Pumps (Israel) – New hydraulics to improve operation
o Hands-on re-assembly of a double suction horizontally split case centrifugal pump. Rotor assembly, design variations and effects on reliability
· Verticals: Gabi Klein, Gennady Heifetz, Michael Benjamin, Mekorot / EMS Shaham (Israel) – Maintenance Issues and Challenges for Proactive Maintenance Approach
o Open versus enclosed lineshaft designs; repair techniques and upgrades; cavitation – how to avoid it and what to do about it if you can’t; reassembly of a small vertical pump and importance of impeller-to-case lift clearance for larger units; reverse engineering your pump installations for maximum reliability; bearing design configurations and materials for maximum reliability in “difficult” applications; OEM parts versus duplicates; materials selection for problem avoidance; common problems with vertical turbine pumps and what to do about them; sump design and submergence / turbulence considerations; register fits and clearances, lateral clearances and wear rings; foundation design and vibration – how to reduce
11:30 – 12:15: Special Presentations (4 sets of 10-minute-segments by the Conference Sponsors)
12:15 – 1:00: Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 Session #2 “Abrasive, Corrosive and Specialty Applications”
· Paper Mill Pump Applications: Amnon Sharon, Mondi Hadera Paper Development and Infrastructure (Israel)
· Abrasive Pumping Challenges: Menahem Weiss, Dead Sea Works (Israel)
· Boiler Feed Pump Aspects for Power Generation: Marchel Kalmanovich, Israeli Electric Corporation (Hevrat Hashmal)
- Chemical Issues with Pumps: Boris Rechtman, ICL Chemicals (Israel)
3:00 – 6:00 Sessions #3 “Electrical Aspects: motor efficiency, VFD, controls, and line losses: Oscar Heinhorn, Enercom Engineering (Israel), Mario Berman, Israel Electric Corporation, and Arik Dan, Yaskawa (Japan)
· Motor-to-pump alignment effect on motor operation
· Overall vibration level limits versus FFT spectral analysis; interpretation of amplitude-frequency versus amplitude-time wave form
· Field case examples and examples
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
8:00 – 11:30: Session #4 “Positive Displacement Rotary Pumps”: Jim Brennan, IMO/Colfax Pumps Corporation (USA/Europe), Maty De-Haas, Berlin Technologies (Israel), and Moshe Rozenbloom, Polak Brothers (Israel)
· 3-screw pumps
· progressing cavity pumps,
· gear pumps: applications
· lobe pumps: standard and specialty applications
· design feature comparison and hands-on assembly work; viscous versus thin-fluid pumping; reliability and troubleshooting procedures
11:30 – 12:00: Session #5 “Pumping Challenges at Municipalities”: Eli Bronstein, Dimona Vice Meir (Israel)
12:00 – 12:30 Special Presentations (4 sets of 10-minute-segments by the Conference Sponsors)
12:30 – 1:15 Lunch
1:15 – 3:00 Session #6 “Mechanical Seals versus Seal-Less Pumps”: Yossi Avisar, Laor Engineering (Israel), and Rammy Shellef, Ettem Seals (Israel)
Overview of mechanical seals and packings; actual hands-on exercise of setting of a component seal and comparing with a cartridge seal assembly procedures
· Mag-drive pumps
· Canned-motor pumps
3:00 – 4:00 Session #6 “Vibration Analysis for Rotating Machinery”: Dr. Leonid Avrukh, PMME (Israel), Shmil Shamis, Israeli Electric Hevrat Hashmal, and Dr. Elia Schwartz , Predictive Systems Engineering (Israel)
Various methods of vibration detection, interpretation and problem solving. Effect of unbalance, misalignment, blade-pass frequencies, and other factors are discussed. Mechanical, electrical and other methods applied and compared. Overall vibrations, FFT Spectral signatures, route planning and diagnostics. Field cases with examples are presented.
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